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A simple guide to explain the difference between a Form 16, Form 12 and Form 43 Aspect Certificate

QBCC form 43 and form 12

Confused by changes to Form 16s and not sure what the replacement Form 43 Aspect Certificate or Form 12s are? Our simple guide will help you.

Download our Form 43 templates and Form 12 templates.

Are you confused about which form to use to certify aspects of building work since Building Regulation 2021 (BR 2021)?  Do you want to know the difference between a Form 12 aspect inspection certificate and a Form 16?   What is the new Form 16 and can you still use a Form 16 if you are a builder or contractor?  You have been asked to supply a Form 43 you’re just not sure why?  Judging but the number of calls we get to our office each week you are not alone.  Our simple guide will help.

We believe in trying to keep things simple so…  Prior to September 1, 2021, a Form 16 could be completed for an aspect of work.  The Form 16s were completed by the building certifier, appointed competent people or QBCC licensee.  Since September 1, 2021, new forms were introduced to provide distinction between what a Building Certifier approves and what is supplied by those involved in the construction.

There are four new forms that have replaced the Certificate of Inspection Form 16 that was.


Form Number

Form 16

Form 12

Form 43

Form 30

Form Title

Inspection Certificate

Aspect Inspection Certificate (Appointed Competent Person)

Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee)

QBCC licensee aspect certificate for accepted development (self-assessable)

Is this used Building Development Approval (BDA)





Who completes this form?

A Building Certifier or

A Building Certifier Appointed Competent Person

A Building Certifier Appointed Competent Person

QBCC licensees and corporations

What Building Classification can this form be used for?

All Building Classifications

All Building Classifications 

Single detached Class 1a and class 10 buildings and structures

Is the form used for a Stage or Aspect of Work? 

Stage of work

Aspect of work

Aspect of work

If you ARE A QBCC licensed contractor you can download copies of the Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Blank template from our Resources page

If you are NOT A QBCC licensed contractor but a Building Certifier Appointed Competent Person (please check with your own Building Certifier on your credentials) you can download copies of the Form 12 Aspect Certificate blank template from our Resources page

Download any of the following Form 43 Templates

Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Balustrade
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Electrical lighting and exit signs
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Garage Door Installation
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Glazing
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Insulation Installation
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Metal Roof System
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Retaining Wall Installation
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Roof Frame Installation
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Smoke Alarm & Energy Efficiency Lighting
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Termite protection
Form 43 Aspect Certificate QBCC Waterproofing

Download any of the following Form 12 Templates

Form 12 Aspect Inspection Certificate for Building Certifier Appointed Competent Electrical Lighting and Exit Signs
Form 12 Aspect Inspection Certificate for Building Certifier Appointed Competent Person Blank Smoke Alarm and Energy Efficiency Lighting

Read more on building regulation changes here 

Detailed FAQs can be found here